This page contains forms and templates needed at all stages of study start up and conduct. Regulatory documentation may vary from study to study. Please contact Clinical Research Support for detailed information on which forms to use for your particular scenario.
New Applications | Study Tools and Templates | Renewing or Modifying a Study | FDA
This review form is required for submission to SRC. Submission to the SRC must take place within three months of the Research Group Review. For more information, see the Research Group Review Job Aid.
- Industry Sponsorship Form
Fred Hutch industry supported research studies only (industry-sponsored clinical trial agreements, investigator-initiated study agreements, clinical material transfer agreements, and clinical drug transfer agreements for drug/device/biologics used in humans in clinical research). Gives basic Industry Sponsor information prior to the draft contract.
*Before submitting an Industry Sponsorship Form for a CTA, please complete the New Study Submission Form in OnCore CTMS to obtain the RG number for the protocol. - Confidential Disclosure Agreement/Nondisclosure Agreement
Confidential disclosure agreements related to Fred Hutch clinical research studies - Subcontract
Fred Hutch subcontracts off an industry-supported clinical research agreement or industry-supported non-clinical research agreement. - Amendment/Modification
Amendments to industry-supported clinical research agreements, confidentiality agreements, and subcontracts that are run through Fred Hutch.
For FH based contracts only; internal routing and approval process for all industry supported research agreements to activate project funding budget after contract execution and IRB approval. Questions about the internal budget activation process for industry sponsored studies at Fred Hutch can be routed to
Hutch Grants
Internal routing and approval process for all industry supported research agreements, FH contracts only in order to activate the study funding budget at FH.
CRS has also developed a collection of templates that study teams can use to improve study documentation and show appropriate PI oversight of investigations. These templates -- which can be downloaded from the Clinical Research Resources Website and customized to the requirements of your protocol -- may be used for both investigator-initiated and industry-sponsored studies when equivalent forms are not provided.
The following Study Tools (in addition to many others) can be found* under the "Study Management" section of the CRRW:
- Adverse Event Log
- Central Startup Checklist for Fred Hutch and UW
- Contact Log
- CRS CV Template
- Delegation of Authority Log
- FDA Submission Tracking Log
- ICF Discussion Documentation
- Manual of Procedures
- Note to File Template
- PI on Leave NTF
- Protocol Template - Solid Tumor
- Protocol Template - Transplant
*Consortium members with HutchNet IDs automatically have access to the site. Other Consortium research staff associated with our partner institutions needing access to the site should email Clinical Research Support to have a profile created.
DSMC Annual Renewal Form (revised 03/01/2024)
Use this form for each annual renewal submitted to the Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC). Previous versions will not be accepted. Submit the completed form to at the time of DSMC annual renewal.
SRC Modification Form (revised 6/13/2022)
Use this form for each modification submitted to the SRC. Previous versions will not be accepted.
SRC Low Accrual PI Response Form (revised 5/1/2024)
Use this form for responding to SRC low accrual notifications. For more information, see the SRC Low Accrual Job Aid.
SRC Low Accrual Closure Appeal Form (revised 5/1/2024)
Use this form to appeal SRC closures. For more information, see the SRC Low Accrual Job Aid.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
All FDA forms listed below may be downloaded directly from the FDA Forms website. The site also includes instructions and/or guidance for each of the forms referenced.
The most frequently used FDA forms associated with investigator-sponsored INDS are:
- Form FDA 1571, "Investigational New Drug Application"
- Form FDA 1572, "Statement of Investigator"
- Form FDA 3500A, MANDATORY MedWatch Reporting
(Please note: This is not the same as Form FDA 3500, VOLUNTARY MedWatch Reporting) - Form FDA 3674, "Certification of Compliance with Requirements of Data Bank"