postdoctoral fellow working in a lab

The Office of Education & Training (OET) houses educational and professional development programs for high school students, undergraduates, postbaccalaureate scholars, graduate students, postdoctoral and medical fellows, staff scientists, and faculty.

OET oversees the Fred Hutch/University of Washington/Seattle Children's Cancer Consortium's Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC) component. The mission of the OET is to promote and strengthen the broad range of education and training opportunities across the Consortium institutions.

teacher participating in Science Education Partnership training

Science Educators

Training and resources for science educators intended to advance science literacy among all students, such as the Fred Hutch Science Education Partnership.

Summer Undergraduate Intership Program participant presenting scientific poster

Primary and Secondary Students

Programs and internships designed to promote interest and opportunities in science careers for primary and secondary school students, such as the Seattle Children’s Science Adventure Lab, the Fred Hutch Summer High School Internship Program (SHIP), the Fred Hutch Summer Undergraduate Research Program, and the UW Genome Sciences Summer Research Program

graduate student

Postbaccalaureate Students

Postbaccalaureate programs, such as the Fred Hutch Postbaccalaureate Scholar Program and UW Postbaccalaureate Research Education, offer research experience and professional development for college graduates who would benefit from this further learning and training to be competitive for graduate and medical school. 

graduate student

Graduate Students

Education, training, and support for graduate students training across the Cancer Consortium in programs such as the UW/Fred Hutch Molecular & Cellular Biology PhD Program and the UW/Fred Hutch Medical Science Training Program (MSTP)

post-dcotoral fellow working under a safety hood in a lab

Postdoctoral Fellow Students

Career development opportunities and resources for post-doctoral students, such as the Fred Hutch Office of Scientific Career Development and the Invent at Seattle Children's Postdoctoral Scholars Program

David Fredrick's with young scientist

Junior Faculty

Mentorship and support programs for junior faculty, such as the Fred Hutch Faculty Leadership Incubator and the Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) Faculty Career Development Series.