Clinical Research Support (CRS) manages a range of meetings that support clinical research studies and initiatives. The focus is to arrange, conduct, and record meetings mandated by the Center’s status as an NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC)

The DSMC is a component of the Data and Safety Monitoring functions that reviews studies during annual renewal.

Contact if you have any questions.

More about the DSMC

Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)

CRS provides administrative support for local Cancer Consortium DSMBs (as noted in the Institutional Data and Safety Monitoring Plan) and is contacted by the study team when upcoming DSMBs are initiated or scheduled.

Contact if you have any questions. 

Scientific Review Committee (SRC)

The SRC is part of the Protocol Review & Monitoring System (PRMS) and is comprised of two sub-committees; A and B. The SRC reviews studies at initial submission and monitors ongoing studies.

Contact if you have any questions. 

    More about the SRC