Developing Better Approaches to Treat Cancer

Bringing together cancer-focused researchers from across its three participating institutions to promote collaboration and support research among its members, the Cancer Consortium aims to increase understanding, strengthen prevention and diagnostic capabilities, and develop effective therapies for cancer.



Combining the strengths to provide access to the most current diagnostic tools and latest cancer treatments.



With a history of collaboration across the disciplines of basic, clinical and public health sciences.


Research Programs

Programs that are discipline or disease specific, bringing together faculty with research interests in basic, clinical/translational, public health sciences and global health.

Cancer Consortium Mission

The Fred Hutch/University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Cancer Consortium unites innovative research and compassionate care to prevent and eliminate cancer and related disease. We’re driven by the urgency of our patients, the hope of our community, and our passion for discovery to pursue scientific breakthroughs and healthier lives for every person in every community.

Supporting Scientific Efforts

Consortium members are eligible to apply for funding support  from various awards available that support direct, facilities and administrative research-related costs.

Access to Resources

research nurses reviewing a protocol

Clinical Research & Trials

Clinical Research Support oversees a group of resources available to investigators to support their research, simplify processes and enable regulatory compliance.

Community Outreach

The Office of Community Outreach & Engagement (OCOE) acts as a crucial link between the Consortium and its catchment area, allowing for a more responsive, tailored approach to cancer research and care. 

postdoctoral fellow working in a lab

Education & Training

The Office of Education and Training provides support, education, training, and career advancement for emerging scientists — curating a diverse range of professional development, education, and training programs for students of all levels, teachers, and faculty.

Shared Resources

Shared Resources provides access to technologies, services, and consultation that facilitate scientific interaction and enhance scientific productivity — advancing cancer research.

Become a member of the Cancer Consortium

Advancing Cancer Related Research

Our Research Development Office provides grant-focused support to Consortium members for the purpose of advancing cancer-related research. Assistance spans the entire grant application process, from opportunity scouting to submission — working one-on-one with faculty to assess their grant-related needs, connect them and their teams with useful resources, and develop a tailored approach to the grant submission process.

graphic representing Consortium partners

Contact Us

Cancer Consortium administrative staff are available to assist or answer any questions you may have.